Direct Coomb’s Test
The direct Coombs test is used to test for autoimmune hemolytic anemia—that is, a condition where the immune system breaks down red blood cells, leading to anemia. The direct Coombs test is used to detect antibodies […]
Indirect Coomb’s Test
The indirect Coombs test is used in prenatal testing of pregnant women and in testing prior to a blood transfusion. The test detects antibodies against foreign red blood cells.
Urine Chemistry
Urine chemistry is a group of one or more tests done to check the chemical content of a urine sample
Urine Bence Jones
The Bence Jones protein (BJP) test measures the level of BJP in your urine. … These proteins are not present in healthy urine samples and are usually a sign of multiple myeloma. Multiple myeloma is a type […]
Urine amylase
This test measures how much of the enzyme amylase is in your urine. … Your amylase levels are usually higher than normal if you have a problem with your pancreas. High levels can also be caused by […]
Urine Ratio
The Protein-Creatinine Ratio (PCR) is used to measure the results of a lab test of proteinuria related to chronic kidney disease (CKD)
FBC (Full Blood Count)
The full blood count (FBC) is one of the most commonly requested tests and provides important information about the kinds and numbers of cells in the blood: red blood cells, […]
Bilirubin Total
To screen for or monitor liver disorders or hemolytic anemia; to monitor neonatal jaundice